Talking Points: Star Wars, KFC hell, Capri Sun, how to know if people dislike you, bad neighborhoods, drunk people, work excuses, TRIVIA, eating in public
Episode 57: Caddy Corner
Talking Points: Mario Odyssey, November, golf, boat names, bathroom demons, TRIVIA, guinea pigs
Episode 56: Gaming Age Firedrill
Talking Points: Super Mario Odyssey, NeoGAF burning down, Netflix shows, what do you call yours, HORSE ERUPTION, long cons, paranormal stories, TRIVIA
Episode 55: I Have No Limbs And I Must Scream
Talking Points: Popeyes laws, 3 bad choices, embarrassing things, perfect movies, Neon Genesis Evangelion, fake businesses, new flavors of Oreos, TRIVIA
Episode 54: Doing It With A Fish Man
Talking Points: social rules, blade runner, The Shape Of Water, time travel scenarios, “better me,” proud things, TRIVIA, gross bathroom stuff.
Episode 53: The Implied Run
Talking Points: blade runner, drunken time traveler, top 5 tom cruise runs, sebulba, the tea story, bathroom talk, trivia, the pit burger
Episode 52: Born 2 Die Hard3r
The Timebat Show’s 1st Anniversary Episode
Talking Points: Buddy cop movies, reptiles, the future, what is this show, ACTION ROMANCE, the taco temple, TRIVIA
Episode 51: Titanic 4040 – The Mariana Trench
Talking Points: Hurricane Irma, Dragster Drama, things to do without power, titles, the game day platter, underwater tunnels, TRIVIA
Episode 50: Timebat Air, Getting You From Here to There
Welcome to Timebat Air, Getting You From Here to There. We hope you enjoy your flight!
Episode 49: The Man on the Mountain
Talking Points: hurricane Harvey, meeting people from the internet, existential metaphors, torture, Back to the Future, TRIVIA, pubs, Independence Day man